Sleep Apnea Treatment – Columbia, TN
Better Sleep Is Within Your Reach

Countless millions of people struggle with a disorder known as sleep apnea. It can make you feel exhausted, downgrade your daily quality of life, and endanger your health. If you have this condition, you can be confident that better sleep is within your reach! Thanks to sleep apnea treatment from our skilled dental team in Columbia, you could soon be on your way to more rejuvenating rest. Continue reading to learn more about this advanced service.
Why Choose Beck Dental Care for Sleep Apnea Treatment?
- Convenient Oral Sleep Appliance Therapy
- Comfortable CPAP Alternative
- Improve Your Overall Health
What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by repeated pauses in breathing while a person is asleep. It can make you feel exhausted on a daily basis, cause mood swings, and make it difficult for you to concentrate at work. It is often associated with frequent nighttime urination, morning headaches and sore throats, and many other symptoms.
There are a few types of sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common. It occurs when tissues in the throat block the free flow of air. People with OSA are usually loud snorers. Central sleep apnea occurs when the brain fails to send proper breathing signals to the body, and mixed sleep apnea is a combination of obstructive and central sleep apnea.
The Dangers of Sleep Apnea

While sleep apnea might seem like nothing more than an annoyance, it is actually a very serious condition. It can increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, dementia, preterm birth, obesity, and other dangerous medical problems. If it is allowed to remain untreated for too long, it can greatly increase your chance of early death!
Sleep apnea can also endanger you when you are on the road. Driving while drowsy could slow down your reaction times and increase your risk of being in a collision.
It can even have an impact on your emotional health. Sleep apnea is associated with heightened rates of depression and anxiety.
Sleep Apnea Treatment Options

To get treated for sleep apnea, you must first receive an official diagnosis. Sleep testing is non-invasive; all you have to do is spend a night hooked up to some sophisticated monitoring equipment. A doctor will analyze the results and let you know if you have a sleep disorder.
CPAP therapy is the most common way to address obstructive sleep apnea. It is very effective because it uses pressurized air to prevent pauses in breathing. However, many people find the machine to be cumbersome and uncomfortable.
Here at Beck Dental Care, we offer a more convenient alternative: oral appliance therapy. We can design a custom device, which resembles a mouthguard, to gently reposition your jaw while you sleep. It can thereby keep your airway open and allow you to breathe without interruption throughout the night.
Understanding the Cost of Sleep Apnea Treatment

Everyone is different, so the cost of sleep apnea treatment will vary depending on the case. We won’t be able to tell you exactly how much you can expect to pay until you visit us in person. At that time, we will discuss specific numbers with you and your different payment options. In the meantime, here are some things for you to take into consideration.
Does Dental Insurance Cover the Cost of Sleep Apnea Treatment?

No, dental insurance doesn’t cover sleep apnea treatment. Instead, sleep apnea diagnoses and treatments are generally covered through your medical insurance. To find out more about your coverage, you should reach out to your provider, or one of our friendly team members can help you out. You could end up significantly reducing your out-of-pocket expenses.
Factors That Affect the Cost of Sleep Apnea Treatment

There are several different factors that contribute to the cost of your sleep apnea treatment. Here are the two most prominent ones:
- Type of Treatment: Different sleep apnea treatments come with different costs. We offer oral appliance therapy to reduce symptoms of sleep apnea. The investment for oral appliances is relatively affordable compared to CPAP machines and other options.
- Insurance Coverage: Depending on your medical insurance plan, more or less of your treatment may be covered. With proper pre-authorization, medical insurance plans will typically say how much they plan to cover before you receive your device.
Treat Your Sleep Apnea Now to Improve Your Health

You may be wondering if it is worth going through the process of being diagnosed with and treating your sleep apnea. The answer is yes! Whether or not you have insurance that will cover your care, you can be confident that addressing your sleep apnea will benefit your overall health – therefore your long-term expenses.
Sleep apnea has been shown to increase the risk of a variety of different health conditions. This includes stroke, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, depression, weight gain, and more. These issues will eventually result in more costly medical bills. By addressing your sleep apnea now, you may be able to avoid some pretty hefty bills in the future. In addition to the financial aspects, you can also experience an increase in your quality of life!
Making Sleep Apnea Treatment More Affordable

If you don’t have medical insurance, or it isn’t going to cover your sleep apnea treatment, you may want to consider CareCredit – a third-party financing company that can split the cost of your treatment into manageable monthly installments with little to no interest. To learn where you can apply or to find out more about your financial options, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Sleep Apnea FAQs

Finding out that you have sleep apnea can be frightening, but with the right form of treatment, it’s completely possible to overcome the disorder and improve the quality of your slumber. We’re here to help you take whatever steps are necessary to deal with sleep apnea; if you have any questions, all you need to do is let our team know. In the following FAQs, we’ve compiled answers to a few of the questions that past patients have brought to our attention.
Does Everyone Who Snores Have Sleep Apnea?
Snoring is very closely associated with sleep apnea. In fact, it has been found that roughly 94% of patients who have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea snore. But despite this relationship, the fact of the matter is that snoring does not necessarily guarantee that you have sleep apnea. In general, symptoms alone are not enough to determine whether or not you are suffering from a sleep disorder. This is why sleep testing is necessary before you pursue any sort of sleep apnea treatment.
Will My Sleep Apnea Go Away If I Lose Weight?
Weight and sleep apnea are often very closely linked. People who are overweight may be more likely to experience obstructions of the airway during the night due to an excessive amount of tissue in the throat. By losing weight, you can often decrease the amount of tissue around your airway, which in turn can improve your sleep apnea symptoms.
However, there is no guarantee that sleep apnea will go away even after you lose weight. Another sleep test will need to be performed to see if your symptoms are still present.
How Should I Clean My Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance?
Once you receive your oral appliance, our team will give you instructions for taking care of it. Regular cleanings are essential for getting rid of the harmful organisms that could potentially lead to serious oral health issues.
You should always clean your oral appliance immediately after taking it out of your mouth in the morning. Give it a very gentle brushing before rinsing it off. After drying your appliance, make sure that it is safely stored in its case. It may also be a good idea to periodically soak your oral appliance in a denture cleaner.
Can I Have Oral Appliance Therapy If I Grind My Teeth?
Many people with sleep apnea also have bruxism, meaning they involuntarily grind their teeth while they’re asleep. The good news is that bruxism will not prevent you from having oral appliance therapy performed. In fact, wearing an oral appliance can actually have the side benefit of protecting your smile from bruxism-related damage. This is due to the fact that the appliance will prevent your upper and lower rows of teeth from making direct contact with each other, thus significantly reducing the harmful effects of grinding.
How Long Are Apnea Events or Episodes?
Sleep apnea episodes can occur 5 to 30 times each hour of sleep. They can last anywhere from 10 seconds to 2 minutes before ceasing. By undergoing a sleep test, it can be determined how advanced your case is, how often episodes occur, and what kind of sleep apnea you have. 0 to 15 episodes per hour is considered to be mild while 30 times or more per hour is considered severe.
Will Oral Appliance Therapy Make CPAP Therapy Unnecessary?
CPAP therapy works by physically forcing air through the airway with a mask worn throughout the night. While this is a popular and effective treatment, only about 50% of those who are prescribed CPAP therapy actually use it. If you have mild to moderate sleep apnea, an oral appliance may be able to replace CPAP therapy. If you have severe sleep apnea, you may benefit from a combination of CPAP therapy and oral appliance treatment. It’s best to work with your sleep dentist to determine what works best for you.
What Does Sleep Apnea Look Like for Women?
Men who have sleep apnea tend to struggle with snoring and daytime fatigue as a result. On the other hand, women more often struggle with insomnia, depression, anxiety, and other symptoms as a response to their sleep apnea. Women who are pregnant, post-menopausal, or overweight are at a higher risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea.
Are There At-Home Remedies for Sleep Apnea?
Some companies claim that products like essential oils and weighted blankets can help with your sleep apnea. While these types of products can help you feel more relaxed, oral appliance and/or CPAP therapy have the greatest impact on the quality of sleep for sleep apnea sufferers. If you have sleep apnea, it’s important to address the issues by opening the airway. Some other steps that can help you get to sleep include avoiding looking at your phone before bed and getting physical activity during the day.