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What Kinds of Tooth Replacement Prevent Bone Loss?

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeck @ 10:07 pm
3D render of a dental implant

When people are interested in replacing teeth that they’ve lost, dentures are typically one of the first treatments that they’ll pursue. These prosthetics are convenient, inexpensive, and are capable of replacing any number of teeth all at once, all of which has made them exceedingly popular.

As effective as they are, there are things that dentures can’t do that some other methods of tooth replacement (like dental implants) can. Bone loss is an excellent example; here’s what you should know about this issue, its causes, and what kinds of tooth replacement can deal with it.

Why Does Bone Loss Happen?

When you lose one or more teeth, the area of the jaw that once held them in place no longer has a job to do. From your body’s perspective, this bit of bone simply isn’t pulling its weight, and should therefore receive fewer nutrients. Over time, this causes this area of the jaw to shrink.

Bone loss can be a problem for any number of reasons. A weaker jaw means that the face has less support, leading to wrinkles and an overall older appearance. It can also cause the teeth surrounding the gap to become misaligned.

What Kinds of Tooth Replacement Can Address Bone Loss?

Dentures are capable of a lot of things, but don’t do anything to signal to the body that the jaw is being used. As a consequence, patients with dentures tend to suffer from bone loss. The same is true of dental bridges.

Only dental implants are capable of stimulating the jaw and preventing bone loss. By surgically placing a metal rod into the jaw, you can encourage the body to send nutrients its way.

The Merits of Implant Dentures

If you currently have dentures and you’re worried about bone loss, you might want to look into implant dentures as an option. This entails attaching a prosthetic to a set of metal posts that are surgically implanted into the jaw.

There are reasons to prefer implant dentures besides bone loss. They also afford you a much stronger bite and can potentially increase the lifespan of your dentures. If you’re interested in learning more, talk to a dentist who can tell you more about if this treatment is right for you.

About Our Practice

At Beck Dental Care of Columbia, we are proud to take a personalized approach to dentistry, allowing our patients to get the dental treatment ideal for them. With something as complex as tooth replacement we know that there are a lot of variables to consider, so we make it a point to know as much as possible about you before we craft your detailed treatment plan.

If you have any questions about tooth replacement, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (931) 388-8452

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