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Beck Dental Care of Columbia Blog

How To Achieve Your Family’s Smile Goals

January 6, 2018

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:00 am

woman smiling in dental chairNow that we’re facing a whole new year, it’s time to evaluate your family’s oral health and set some goals to keep all the smiles in your house healthy in 2018. Beck Dental Care is here to help you! Today, we’re giving you some advice on how to achieve your family’s smile goals, and how our team in Columbia, TN can help! If you’ve ever started a new diet or tried to quit a bad habit, then you probably already know how helpful it is to have an accountability partner. Well, what better way to stay on track with your oral health goals than by letting the whole family participate? You’ll have your own built-in network of support as you strive to make a healthy smile the goal for your family this year.


Good Oral Health Can Happen For You

January 1, 2018

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:00 am

woman in dental chair talking to dentistWhen it comes to your health, it’s important to understand the connection between total well-being and what’s going on inside your mouth. It’s why routine professional cleanings are so crucial. Gum disease, for example, has been shown time and again to be linked to all sorts of dangerous health problems. But good oral health can happen for you when you trust our team at Beck Dental Care. In today’s before and after photo, you can see the difference a healthy mouth makes for your smile. Call our Columbia, TN dental office  today at (931) 388-8452 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment.

Six Month Smiles Straightens Your Teeth Faster!

December 26, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:00 am

woman with white teeth smilingThis season, give yourself the gift of a beautifully straight smile by summer! With Six Month Smiles, adults can get the straight smile they’ve always wanted in less than half the time it would take with traditional braces. Sandy knows this firsthand! Hear about her experience with Six Month Smiles in our Columbia, TN dental office and why she loves coming to Beck Dental Care! Call us today at (931) 388-8452 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment.


Naughty & Nice Holiday Treats For Your Teeth

December 21, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:00 am

christmas cookies on a plateAt Beck Dental Care, your healthy teeth and gums are our top priority. That’s why today, we’re sharing an infographic with you about the types of holiday treats that could be naughty for your teeth if you’re not careful. Take a look at how you can enjoy goodies on the naughty list and still keep your smile looking nice! Don’t forget to schedule your next dental checkup at Beck Dental Care! Call our Columbia, TN dental office  today at (931) 388-8452 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment.


Don’t Let Snoring Steal Your Silent Nights!

December 16, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:00 am

man snoirng in bedSilent night, holy…. OUCH! Just as you were drifting off to sleep to the sound of soft, holiday carols and visions of sugar plums, your spouse is elbowing you because you were snoring too loudly again! Are you ready for rest, relief, and silent nights again? Our team at Beck Dental Care can help you. We offer treatment for snoring and sleep apnea symptoms so you, and everyone else at home, can restore peace and quiet to your holiday nights.


Don’t Let A Dental Emergency Ruin The Holidays [BLOG]

December 11, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:00 am

Our team at Beck Dental Care wants you to know who to count on if a dental emergency threatens to spoil your holiday dinner plans! We want you to enjoy the season with family and friends pain-free.

So today, we’re talking about ways a

dental emergency

can sneak up on you and threaten your fun, and how getting ahead of it may help to save your smile and your holiday season!

Are You Facing A Holiday Dental Emergency?

Here are some of the most common ways a dental emergency can spoil your holiday plans:

A Toothache That Won’t Go Away

There is no single dental problem that all toothaches can be traced back to. You might just be experiencing some temporary sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages, you could have a cavity, or you might have an infected tooth that requires a root canal.

No matter the cause, you shouldn’t try to ignore your dental pain and hope it will just go away. That strategy only prolongs whatever is causing the pain and allowing it to worsen, which would definitely threaten your holiday fun.

The best thing to do at the first sign of a toothache is to call our Columbia, TN dental office and let one of our skilled hygienists and dentists give you a thorough cleaning and exam so we can determine the cause and take care of it right away.

Tender, Swollen, Or Bleeding Gums

Any time you notice a change in your gums, whether they’ve become inflamed, sore, or darker in color, you should let Dr. Beck or one of our skilled professionals. Gum disease can come on slowly and quietly over time, so by the time you recognize changes to your gums, it could have already taken hold in your mouth.

Also, bleeding gums should always be a cause of concern. You shouldn’t dismiss it as something normal, because your gums should never bleed.

If you notice swelling, tenderness, or bleeding of the gums, make sure to make an appointment with us as soon as possible. We can look to see if you’re experiencing any stages of gum disease, and get your gums healthy again!

A Tooth That’s Been Damaged Or Knocked Out

With all of the teeth hazards of the holidays, it’s not uncommon to see more dental emergencies this time of year. You could be biting on a candy cane or tearing into a juicy turkey leg, and suddenly you’ve injured a tooth.

In any injury to the mouth, it’s important to stop any bleeding first. Then, you should try to find a knocked out tooth. Carefully pick up the tooth by the crown, and gently rinse any dirt or debris from it. You can try to put it back in its socket, or you can store it in a small, sealable container of milk. That will increase the likelihood that we’ll be able to save your tooth, because that’s always the ideal scenario.

If your tooth has been chipped or broken, or you’ve lost a tooth, our team at Beck Dental Care will do all we can to see you as soon as possible. We want to make sure you’re out of pain and that we try to save your tooth and preserve your smile.

A Failing Dental Restoration

Despite how well they preserve your smile, dental restorations can fail from time to time. If that happens, it can put a damper on your holiday plans. The last thing you want is to have a dental crown break or fall out while you’re eating Christmas dinner!

At Beck Dental Care, we can get your dental restorations back in working order so you can get rejoin the festivities. We’ll do all we can to protect your smile and make sure you can chew comfortably.

Call Us When You Need Help!

We all know that some dental emergencies just can’t be avoided. While they do seem to happen at the worst possible time, you can have a smoother experience when you know who to count on.

At Beck Dental Care, we do all we can to get you out of pain and get your teeth and gums back to good health as soon as possible. The holidays are no time to spend hours waiting around for emergency dental care.

When you call our Columbia, TN dental office, you’ll be speaking to someone who cares about guiding you through the next steps so you can get back to enjoying the holidays with the people you care about most.

If you’re faced with a dental emergency, call Beck Dental Care at (931) 388-8452 or fill out our

online form

to schedule an appointment so we can address any problems you’re experiencing so they don’t turn into dental emergencies later.

Protect Your Holiday Smile [BLOG]

December 6, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:00 am

The festive holiday season is in full swing, but that means your teeth and gums have to be protected against, injury, damage, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Our team at Beck Dental Care wants to help you get through the holidays with a clean, healthy mouth. That’s why we’re talking about how to

keep your smile safe

all through the season and into the new year!

Guidelines For Healthy Holiday Teeth

You want to have a good time with family and friends during the holidays. To do that, you want to avoid things that will land you in the dentist chair at the worst possible time. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind while you’re celebrating this year for a healthy holiday smile.

Use Your Teeth For Chewing

We’ve all been there. You’re unwrapping gifts, and instead of using the proper tools to cut hard plastic, you use your teeth instead. It’s more convenient, and it won’t hurt anything, right?

Wrong. As tempting as it is, it’s important to use your teeth what they were designed for: tearing and chewing up food, not hard objects. This year, when it’s time to tear open all the Christmas presents and unbind gifts from their packages, reach for a pair of scissors to cut tags and ties. This will protect your teeth, and your good time, from a dental emergency.

Don’t Be A Candy Cane Cautionary Tale

Candy canes are all over the place during this time of year. They’re on your Christmas tree, they’re piled high in the candy jar, and they don your gingerbread house. But if you don’t want to be a Christmas cautionary tale, they probably should go in your mouth.

First, candy canes are packed with sugar. Aside from that, they also break up into sharp, small pieces that, while being chewed, could injure your gums and your teeth. You don’t want to cut your holiday fun short because of a dental emergency.

Be Mindful Of Sticky Substances

Although the holidays are a great time of year to indulge your sweet tooth, there are certain treats you should avoid for better oral health.

Among these would be desserts and candies that contain sticky, sweet substances like marshmallow, toffee, and caramel. They tend to stick to small spaces in between your teeth, which is a sugary playground for bacteria.

Rinse With Water Between Meals

As surprising as it sounds, you shouldn’t brush your teeth right away after you eat or drink something, especially if it’s highly acidic.

That’s because the acid creates a layer on your teeth for up to 45 minutes after you’ve consumed it. Brushing your teeth immediately will only allow the acids to seep into your enamel and threaten your teeth and gums further.

Instead, rinse your mouth out with water throughout the holidays if you’re in between normal brushing and flossing. This will help your mouth stay clean, especially after eating those highly acidic, sugary foods and drinks.

Stay Committed To Good Dental Habits

Holiday traveling can make it hard to keep to your regular health regimen. From working out to brushing and flossing, this time of year requires extra vigilance if you don’t want your oral or overall health to get off track.

You give yourself reminders by keeping your toothbrush and dental floss visible near or on the bathroom sink. It’s hard to forget daily brushing and flossing when you them several times a day.

Make Your First Appointment Of The Year!

Believe it or not, you can come away from the holiday season with your smile healthy and intact. All it takes is a little awareness and a commitment to regular personal and professional oral health care.

Beck Dental Care is excited to help you in that endeavor. You can follow our helpful guidelines as you navigate through the festive season, and then call our Columbia, TN dental office to schedule your first cleaning and exam of 2018.

Keeping your smile healthy is our top priority, but we don’t just stop at making sure your teeth and gums are strong. We also want to make sure your smile is as beautiful as you want it to be.

With cosmetic dentistry at Beck Dental Care, you can have a gorgeous, confident smile to help you enjoy years of holiday celebrations!

Call us today at (931) 388-8452 or fill out our

online form

to schedule your first appointment of the year.

Beautify Your Smile This Season [PHOTO]

December 1, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:00 am

Everyone knows that a beautiful smile must first be a healthy one.

That’s why, at Beck Dental Care, we aim to restore your oral health and beautify your smile with restorative and

cosmetic dentistry


Today’s before and after photo shows you the difference healthy teeth and gums make for the overall look of your smile.

Are you ready to beautify your smile this season? Call our Columbia, TN dental office  today at (931) 388-8452 or fill out our

online form

to schedule a consultation.

A Warm Atmosphere At Beck Dental Care [VIDEO]

November 26, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:00 am


Beck Dental Care

, we’re committed to our patients and want to create a positive experience every time you visit our Columbia, TN dental office.

That’s what Randy appreciates about us. Hear Randy talk more about our warm atmosphere and why he keeps coming back to us for quality dental care.

Call our Columbia, TN dental office  today at (931) 388-8452 or fill out our

online form

to schedule an appointment.

A Beautiful Holiday Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry [PHOTO]

November 21, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:00 am


cosmetic dentistry

at Beck Dental Care, you can have a beautiful, confident smile in time for the upcoming holiday season.

Look at the kind of quality craftsmanship you can expect from our team here in Columbia, TN. Today’s before and after image shows the difference cosmetic dentistry can make for your smile.

Call Beck Dental Care today at (931) 388-8452 or fill out our

online form

to schedule a consultation.

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