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Beck Dental Care of Columbia Blog

Do You Have Gaps or Black Triangles in Your Smile? Your Dentist Can Help!

December 27, 2019

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — drbeck @ 8:16 pm
woman with gapped smile

You’ve had a gap between your two front teeth for as long as you can remember. It always seems to stand out in photos of you. Recently you have also noticed that you have tiny black triangles between a few of your teeth, and you have no idea how they got there. Luckily, your cosmetic dentist in Columbia is here with more information. Discover how they can solve your problems by reading more.


4 Ways Your Dentist Can Give You a Brand-New Smile in the New Year

December 19, 2019

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — drbeck @ 5:36 pm
blocks showing the changing year

The new year is almost here, so it’s time to start thinking of what your resolution will be. Maybe you want to shed a few extra pounds. Maybe you want to limit your time spent on social media. Maybe you want to become more confident in your appearance, but it’s hard since you have some problems with your pearly whites. Luckily, your cosmetic dentist in Columbia is well-equipped to solve that problem for you. Here are four different cosmetic procedures that can help you achieve a brand-new smile for 2020.


The Hidden Dangers of Plaque Buildup

December 12, 2019

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — drbeck @ 8:52 pm
toothpaste in the shape of a tooth

Have you ever run your tongue over your teeth and noticed that they felt a little fuzzy? No, your teeth aren’t growing fur; that’s a substance called dental plaque. While it might feel gross, it’s actually a lot worse than that. Plaque buildup comes with some serious risks, as your family dentist in Columbia will tell you. Let’s take a moment to learn about plaque and what you can do to prevent it.


How Many Porcelain Veneers Do You Need?

December 6, 2019

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — drbeck @ 8:41 pm
porcelain veneer diagram

Do you have chips or cracks in your teeth that have been bothering you lately? Do you have slightly crooked teeth? What about a gap in your front teeth? What all of these problems have in common is that they can be corrected by porcelain veneers in Columbia. But how many do you really need to get in order to completely fix your smile? Continue reading as a dentist explains the answer.


Can You Whiten Porcelain Veneers?

November 13, 2019

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — drbeck @ 6:10 pm
girl with white smile

Your morning isn’t complete without at least a couple of cups of joe. Unfortunately, coffee seriously stains your teeth over time. You decided to correct your stains with porcelain veneers in Columbia, but you just can’t quit your coffee addiction. As a result, you’re worried that your veneers might stain just like your natural teeth did. Is it possible to whiten veneers? Read more to find out.


3 Ways Your Cosmetic Dentist Can Give You a Holiday-Ready Smile

November 1, 2019

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — drbeck @ 4:43 pm
woman smiling and wearing Santa hat

November is finally here, which means the holiday season is in full swing. Before you know it, your calendar will start filling up with work parties and gatherings with friends and family. One thing all these events have in common is that someone will undoubtedly take pictures. If you’re self-conscious of your smile, it can make you dread the holidays for this reason. Fortunately, your dentist is here to help. Keep reading to learn 3 ways that cosmetic dentistry in Columbia can help revitalize your smile just in time for the holidays.


Why Dental Implants Are Only Growing More Popular

October 21, 2019

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — drbeck @ 8:28 pm
Man smiling

When you lose teeth, you’re losing much more than your teeth. Whether your struggle with confidence, have trouble chewing, or suffer the health effects that occur with missing teeth, an incomplete smile can change your life. Thankfully, dental implants in Columbia offer patients a way to replace their smile with ultimate beauty and health. Keep reading to learn why the number of dental implant cases continue to increase year after year.


What Can You Eat After Dental Implant Surgery?

October 15, 2019

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — drbeck @ 3:16 pm
person taking food out of their refrigerator

After having your dental implants in Columbia placed, it’s important to follow your implant dentist’s aftercare instructions to speed up your healing process and ensure that your titanium posts properly fuse with your jaw. Over the next several months, it’s incredibly important to eat a soft diet, especially since you’ll be wearing a temporary prosthetic that won’t be as strong as your permanent one. Read on to learn what your diet should consist of over the next few months.


Time To Use Your Dental Insurance Before You Lose It!

October 5, 2019

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — drbeck @ 3:08 pm
blocks with the changing year

It’s already October, which means the end of the year will be here before you know it. While you’re probably thinking about Halloween, Thanksgiving, and countless other holiday festivities, there is probably one thing that hasn’t crossed your mind lately: dental insurance. If you have a policy, at the beginning of 2020, your coverage is actually going to reset, which means any money you have on your plan right now will be instantly lost! Read on below to learn why you need to use your dental insurance now before it’s too late.


Will I Need to Be Sedated For My Dental Implant Procedure?

September 16, 2019

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — drbeck @ 3:29 pm
person holding a water glass and a pill

Are you getting dental implants to replace your missing teeth? If you have a dental phobia or small pain threshold, then the idea of someone fiddling around in your mouth over the course of the next six months probably puts you on edge. Fortunately, a sedation dentist in Columbia offers a variety of techniques so you can feel relaxed and comfortable throughout the entire process. With professional monitoring and strategically calculated sedation solutions, each visit will be completely safe and a breeze! Read on to learn more about how sedation dentistry can impact your dental implant process for the better.

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