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Can I Ask for Dental Sedation if I’m Pregnant?

July 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeck @ 10:16 pm
Close up of couple rubbing baby bump

It makes sense that you would want to be as calm as possible for your upcoming trip to the dentist, especially when you have a little one on the way. But pregnancy changes a lot, including what sedatives you can take. Keeping track of all your dos and don’ts can’t be easy! If you need a simplified, straightforward answer to whether or not sedation dentistry is safe for you and your infant, keep reading.

Yes or No: Can You Take Dental Sedation During Pregnancy?

Yes. In general, sedation solutions won’t affect your baby, and are safe to use during pregnancy. So if the thought of going to the dentist makes you nervous, this is definitely something you can ask for. Determining whether a method is right for you will likely rely more on your own medical history and active prescriptions.

There are three main types of dental sedation, but two are usually better suited for soon-to-be moms:

  • Nitrous oxide sedation, otherwise known as laughing gas, is mild but effective. You’ll inhale this type of sedative through a low-profile mask, then quickly feel relaxed and calm.
  • Oral conscious sedation is a fancy way of saying you’ll ingest a pill. It’s a bit stronger than laughing gas, making it more suitable for patients with severe anxiety. It also means you’ll have to make transportation arrangements, as it’s not advised to drive yourself home after taking an oral conscious sedative.

Be sure to ask your dentist about these options, and don’t forget to mention any and all supplements, medications, and vitamins that you take – or the fact that you’re pregnant!

Why Dental Care is Important During Pregnancy

It’s recommended to visit your dentist every six months for a checkup and cleaning. This is known as a preventative care measure, because it helps prevent serious dental complications.

Harmful bacteria can lead to gum disease and cavities if not cleaned and can sneak up on you without a professional keeping an eye on your mouth. Since pregnancy causes your hormones to fluctuate, you’re at an increased risk for developing these two oral conditions. Stay on top of regular dental visits, and you’ll be able to worry less about uncomfortable dental problems and focus more on you and your child.

It’s not always easy being pregnant, especially when you’re thinking about two people’s medical needs! Unload some of that burden by informing your dentist about the good news. They’ll happily tell you everything you need to know about dental care during pregnancy and can help you find your best-fit sedation solution.

About the Practice

Our team at Beck Dental Care of Columbia recognizes that not everyone feels safe and comfortable during their dental visits. For those concerned about oral discomfort or other worries, we proudly offer nitrous oxide, oral conscious, and IV sedation options. Rest assured, we’ll take good care of you and your soon-to-be little one. To contact our office, call 931-388-8452.

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