There are few tooth replacement treatments quite like dental implants. While dental implants are ideal for more people today than ever before, they aren’t necessarily for everyone. Depending on your oral health as well as a few other factors, your smile might be more favorable to receive dental implants than others. To learn what exactly makes you a positive dental implant candidate in Columbia, you’ll want to keep reading, especially if you plan on meeting with a dentist for a dental implant consultation in the near future.
Healthy Gums
Having healthy gum tissue is one of the most important characteristics to hold prior to dental implant placement because dental implants are more susceptible to gum infections than natural teeth. If plaque develops on the gums, gum pockets can appear in between the implant and the gum tissue. This creates space for harmful bacteria to develop and attack the bone inside the jaw responsible for holding the implants in place. If you currently have gum disease, it will require treatment before implants can be attached.
Strong Commitment to Oral Care
The better your oral care habits are, the more likely your dental implants will remain healthy in the long-term. While it’s true that the restoration attached to your dental implant cannot develop decay, the gum tissue can easily become infected without dedicated oral care. When brushing and flossing, make sure to give your dental implant special attention to prevent any complications going forward.
Substantial Bone Tissue
Since bone tissue shrinks over time as soon as a tooth is removed, it’s increasingly important to get teeth replaced after they have been extracted. If there is not enough bone tissue available in the jaw, the bone tissue may never integrate properly with the titanium post of your tooth replacement. The good news is even if you don’t have enough bone tissue right now, bone grafting treatments can improve your eligibility.
Good Overall Health
If you have a pre-existing condition that negatively impacts your body’s ability to heal, your risk for dental implant failure goes up. While having an existing condition does not necessarily disqualify you for dental implant treatment, it’s very important that you inform the dentist of your condition prior to surgery. For example, diabetes can reduce dental implant success rate, contribute to higher rates of cavities and gum disease, and interfere with the osseointegration (or fusion of titanium and bone tissue) process.
Healthy Habits
If you use tobacco or drink alcohol excessively, you’re going to want to change these habits to ensure the best environment for your dental implant treatment. For example, you’ll want to quit using tobacco at least 2 to 4 weeks before your implant surgery as well as during the healing phase after your implant is placed. To ensure the best longevity of your dental implant, you should discontinue tobacco use entirely and avoid drinking alcohol in excess.
Ready to set up your very first consultation and determine if dental implants in Columbia are right for you? Give an implant dentist a call today and learn more about the process!
About Beck Dental Care
Our dentists are trained to keep every phase of dental implant treatment in-house. This means you can work with the same team you know and trust when the time comes to place and restore your dental implants. To schedule a consultation and learn more about your eligibility for dental implants, you can contact them through their website.