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Cosmetic Cuisine: Do Veneers Have Dietary Restrictions?

June 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeck @ 3:06 pm
Closeup of glue being applied to veneer

Porcelain veneers are a versatile cosmetic solution that can address one or several imperfections simultaneously. These thin, ceramic shells are customized to match the shade of your natural teeth and then bonded to their front surface to hide aesthetic issues. They’re often used to mask chips, cracks, discoloration, and slightly crooked or gapped teeth.

Plus, they can last 15+ years, making them an excellent long-term solution. However, it’s important to care for them properly if you want to extend their lifespan. Many patients want to know whether there are dietary restrictions they’ll need to follow to protect their veneers once they’re placed. Keep reading to learn more about what to expect!


Even Aesthetics: Can Veneers Straighten My Smile?

June 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeck @ 4:28 pm
Nose-to-shoulder frontal view of a woman with long brown hair smiling

Veneers are an incredibly versatile cosmetic solution. They’re made of resilient porcelain that’s color-matched to your natural teeth and then bonded to their front surfaces to mask several different issues. These shells are often used to hide problems like chips, cracks, and stubborn discoloration. On top of that, they can last 10+ years with the right care, making them an effective and durable way to improve your appearance.

If you’re frustrated by a crooked grin, you might wonder whether veneers can help straighten your smile, too. Continue reading to learn more!


Dental Crown Dilemma: Why Is There a Black Line?

June 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeck @ 2:49 pm
Rendering of a porcelain fused to metal dental crown

Dental crowns are a versatile solution that can enhance your grin’s appearance and improve its functionality. These tooth-shaped covers protect and preserve teeth that are overly damaged or decayed, have undergone a root canal, or are the cap of a dental implant. Plus, they can be color-matched to your smile so that no one can tell the difference.

However, it’s natural to feel concerned if you’ve noticed a dark line forming around the base of your dental crown. Try though you might, you can’t seem to brush or floss it away. You might wonder if it’s dangerous or what you can do to remove it. If you’ve noticed a black border along the edge of your restoration, continue reading to learn why this happens and what you can do!
